
For most recent updates on my publications please visit my Google Scholar.

Journal Papers and Pre-prints

  1. Reduced Travel Emissions Through a Carbon Calculator with User-Friendly Environmental Data
    Erin E. Bulson, Wissam Kontar, Soyoung Ahn, Andrea Hicks*
    Under Review at npj Sustainable Mobility and Transport

  2. Learning Driver Models for Automated Vehicles via Knowledge Sharing and Personalization
    Wissam Kontar, Xinzhi Zhong, Soyoung Ahn*
    Under Review at Transportation Research Record
    Accepted for Lectern Presentation at the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2024

  3. A Strategic Approach to Handle Uncertainties in Autonomous Vehicle’s Car-following Behavior
    Wissam Kontar, Soyoung Ahn*
    Under Review at Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2023

  4. Human-Machine Interaction in Automated Vehicles: Reducing Voluntary Driver Intervention
    Xinzhi Zhong, Yang Zhou, Varshini Kamaraj, Zhenhao Zhou, Wissam Kontar, Dan Negrut, John D. Lee, Soyoung Ahn*
    Under Review Transportation Research Part C
    Accepted for Presentation at Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2024

  5. Would you Change your Travel Mode if you Know its Carbon Footprint?
    Erin E. Bulson, Wissam Kontar, Soyoung Ahn, Andrea Hicks*
    Under Review at Nature Communications
    Presented at the Industrial Symposium on Industrial Ecology (ISIE), Leiden, Netherlands, 2023

  6. The Role of Disasters and Infrastructure Failures in Engineering Education
    Andrea Hicks*, Wissam Kontar
    Under Review at the Journal of Civil Engineering Education
    Presented at the Industrial Symposium on Industrial Ecology (ISIE), Leiden, Netherlands, 2023

  7. Use, Reuse, and Waste Management of Single-use Products Associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States
    Monica I Rodriguez, Wissam Kontar, Andrea Hicks*
    Under Review at the Journal of Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 2023

  8. Transportation Emissions During Pandemic: Duality of Impacts
    Wissam Kontar, Soyoung Ahn, Andrea Hicks*
    Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability, 2022

  9. Electric Bicycles Sharing: Opportunities and Environmental Impacts
    Wissam Kontar, Soyoung Ahn, Andrea Hicks*
    Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability, 2022

  10. The Internet of Federated Things (IoFT)
    Raed Kontar*, Naichen Shi, Xubo Yue, Seokhyun Chung, Eunshin Byon, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Jionghua Jin, Wissam Kontar, Neda Masoud, Maher Nouiehed, Chinedum E Okwudire, Garvesh Raskutti, Romesh Saigal, Karandeep Singh, Zhi-Sheng Ye
    IEEE Access, 2022
    [Youtube Video] [IoFT Data]

  11. On Multi-class Automated Vehicles: Car-following Behavior and its Implications for Traffic Dynamics
    Wissam Kontar, Tienan Li, Anupam Srivastava, Yang Zhou, Danjue Chen, Soyoung Ahn*
    Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 2021
    Presented at the 24th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT)

  12. Autonomous Vehicle Adoption: Use Phase Environmental Implications
    Wissam Kontar, Soyoung Ahn, Andrea Hicks*
    Environmental Research Letters, 2021

  13. Personal Respiratory Protection and Resiliency in a Pandemic, the Evolving Disposable versus Reusable Debate and its Effect on Waste Generation. Resources, Conservation and Recycling
    Andrea Hicks*, Sila Temizel Sekeryan, Wissam Kontar, Ramin Ghamkhar, Monica Rodriquez Morris
    Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2021

Conference Papers

  1. A Prioritized Trajectory Planning Algorithm for Connected and Automated Vehicle Mandatory Lane Changes
    Nachuan Li, Austen Z Fan, Riley Fischer, Wissam Kontar, Bin Ran*
    IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 2021

  2. Bayesian Methods in Automated Vehicle’s Car-following Uncertainties: Enabling Strategic Decision Making
    Wissam Kontar, Soyoung Ahn*
    Presented at the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2022

  3. Predicting Vehicles’ Longitudinal Trajectories and Lane Changes on Highway On-Ramps
    Nachuan Li, Riley Fischer, Wissam Kontar, Soyoung Ahn*
    Presented at the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2021

  4. Real-time Monitoring of Autonomous Vehicle’s Time Gap Variations: A Bayesian Framework
    Wissam Kontar, Soyoung Ahn*
    Presented at the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 2020

Technical Reports

  1. Freight Data Inventory and Training
    Wissam Kontar, Ernest Perry, Soyoung Ahn*, Glen Vorhes, Youngjun Han
    Mid-American Freight Coalition (MAFC), 2019

  2. Assessment of Multimodal (Marine and Highway) Bottlenecks in the MAASTO Region
    Youngjun Han, Wissam Kontar, Glen Vorhes, Ernest Perry, Soyoung Ahn*
    Mid-American Freight Coalition (MAFC), 2019